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What is Anomaly?

Anomaly is an AI-gaming layer 3 app chain that integrates custom AI engine built mini-games DIRECTLY into platforms like Telegram, Discord, Twitter and other social platforms. The company aims to make games a social-first experience utilising its DePin architecture.

Leveraging Telegram’s 900M+ Users with directly playable games!

Key Highlights

  • Partnered with Arbitrum, Base, TON, B3, ZED RUN, Notcoin, Shima Capital
  • Play-to-Airdrop system with daily game activations and quests
  • Telegram/Discord AI Launcher
  • Node infrastructure with cloud deployment on launcher
  • AI-infused card game creator SDK
  • Node Daily Rewards with early halvings
  • $NOM Token ecosystem token
  • Zero Crypto Knowledge required with Gasless Transactions

About Us

Our expert team blends Web3 innovation with Web2 savvy, driving growth and accelerating adoption. With backgrounds from leading studios such as Disney, Niantic, and Sony, our game strategists and developers have produced global hits like Two Dots and Just Cause. We are not just passionate about AI and Web3; we are pioneers committed to shaping the future of game development and publishing.

We aim to create cutting-edge technology that enables faster market entry. As true Degens, we deeply understand the Web3 community and are dedicated to engaging directly with gamers in their favorite spaces, such as Discord and Telegram. By positioning ourselves at the heart of these communities, we aim to deliver experiences that resonate with and excite our audience.

Our Values

As a studio working with cutting-edge technologies, fostering a culture of innovation and creativity is essential. This involves encouraging curiosity, supporting experimental thinking, and embracing failure as a stepping stone to groundbreaking solutions.
Flexibility and Agility
Being able to quickly adapt to market trends, technological advancements, and user feedback is vital in the fast-paced industries of AI, blockchain, and gaming.
Excellence and Quality
In the competitive landscape of gaming and tech, striving for the highest standards in all aspects of work — from game design to user support — ensures long-term success and user satisfaction.
Community Engagement
For platforms leveraging blockchain and gaming, the community is key. Valuing community engagement means actively listening to and involving the community in development processes, decision-making, and feedback loops.
Integrity and Transparency
Operating in the blockchain space, where trust is paramount, a commitment to honesty, ethical behavior, and openness in operations that sets Anomaly apart. This includes clear communication about developments, challenges, and changes.
User-Centric Design
Prioritizing the needs, experiences, and feedback of the end user in the design and development process ensures that the output remains relevant, enjoyable, and accessible.
Empowerment and Growth
Supporting both personal and professional growth within the team can foster a positive and productive work environment. This includes continuous learning, mentorship, and providing opportunities for team members to contribute to decision-making processes.
Collaboration and Partnerships
Recognizing the value of working with others, whether internally among team members or externally with other organizations, to achieve shared goals and innovate beyond what might be possible independently.

Founder Profile


Long is a distinguished technopreneur and Web3 innovator with multiple successful exits, recognized for merging cutting-edge technology with impactful solutions. He partnered with Atari on his first game, Anomura, acquired by Virtually Human Studio, a company backed by major VCs including a16z and TCG. His development of Moku, a point system-driven Web3 tool, facilitated significant user engagement for titles on the Ronin network and expedited large-scale mint-outs, culminating in a Series A led by Sky Mavis.

Previously, Long turned around ScribbleLive, a cloud SaaS company in financial distress, achieving positive revenue flow and international acquisition in just two years. A former professional gamer and Twitch partner, Long has competed globally in eSports for Starcraft and Hearthstone.

As the founder of Anomaly, located at the crossroads of blockchain and AI, Long continues to drive forward-thinking projects. His expertise garners regular features in prestigious outlets like Nasdaq and Hackernoon, and he is a sought-after voice on developer-centric podcasts and interviews.

In the Press